Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

Play! Play away way waya way waya way waya waaaaaa



What does play and playing mean to you? Do you think it’s something just for kids? Are you too busy sorting and fixing things on a never ending to do list to have time to indulge in play? And when was the last time that you truly played, so much so that you forgot yourself? What if play was like a door way into a world that you have not yet experienced, but that you somehow know is there? In the Playground of Possibilities it’s all about playing – with each other, with you, with ideas and questions and possibilities and of course with laughter! Curious to see how you could bring play more into your life? Then come play with Alun and Laura at 3pm Monday 23rd February at 3pm UK time (10am Eastern, 7am Pacific).