Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

Are you living GroundHog Day? Guest Margaret Braunack



Does your life feel like a version of Ground Hog Day? Are you bored, unhappy and perhaps even depressed doing the same thing day after day, but not really sure how you can change it? Our guest Margaret Braunack lived in the “either or” universe for a long time, and now knows that making different choices and being willing to continually add to her life is what truly allows her to create her living of choice. How many times as a child were you told: Well, you can have this or this, you can’t have both. How much limitation has that created in your world? Are you now ready for the adventure called living? Are you ready to “Have Your Cake and Eat It Too?” The Hedonist’s Guide to Opulent, Decadent and Orgasmic Living. Hmmmm, and you wouldn’t choose this for what reason? Margaret Braunack is an International Speaker, Transformational Coach and Author and has over 30 years of experience in the fields of natural health, personal and professional development in various roles including management, sales, mentoring, coa