Mildly Disappointed By Andrew Mack

EP #48 - Lean into Fear



Mack Media — Fear is a real motherf&%cker! It’s ever present and inescapable. We can either let it consume us or we can accept it. When we accept it we can lean into it because, more often than not, the thing we are most scared of is the exact thing we should be doing anyway. So this is the perfect opportunity to give away an AWESOME book, Acta Non Verba written by my friend Erik Kruger. "The playbook for creating, achieving and performing at your highest level." Simply share this podcast on social media (Facebook and/or Instagram) and tag me and #MildlyDissapointed. I'll pick a winner and send you your copy wherever you are. Elderbrook - Closer: Send your questions & guest suggestions: DM me on Instagram: Website: Like the Facebook Page: Subscribe on Sticher: