Dancing With Consciousness ~ Cathleen Connor & Danielle Varanda

How Brilliant Is Your Body? ~ Danielle & Cathleen



Dancing with Consciousness with Danielle & Cathleen Radio Show Do you know how brilliant your body is and how much awareness it has? What if your body has been communicating to you and you have not been paying attention? Our bodies are a sensory organ that perceives, and receives from a place of no judgement. Perhaps it knows more than you do about what it requires and desires. And if we were to communicate with our body, instead of overriding it, What could that create for our bodies and in our lives? The dynamic facilitators, Cathleen and Danielle are debuting their exciting new Dancing With Consciousness Radio Show, where anything is possible in the dance of living! What fun, what joy, what play could show up right away in your life? What if life could be like dancing….from a place of no judgement, the space of joy and always creating something new and fun? Cathleen and Danielle will be introducing tools and ways to create this in your life and empowering you to know what you know with totally ease. And to