Dr. Andi's Animal Magic With Dr. Andi

Families & Animals & Holidays – OH MY! ~ Dr. Andi’s World



Dr. Andi's World Radio Show WELCOME to A NEW SEASON of DR. ANDI'S WORLD! Do you find it a little bit of a challenge around the holiday season? Do things get a bit more intense? (or a lot more intense?) Do you actually get to enjoy the holidays? Or do you just do your best to get through them? And what about your animals -  do you get to include them in the mix? Or do they have to take a side seat to the festivities? What is it about the combination of family and animals and holidays that can make us so crazy? Join Dr. Andi for this conversation to kick-off the New Season of Dr. Andi’s World, and receive some fabulous tools to put some ‘happy’ in your holidays this year - for you AND your animals. And you can find more tools for your Holiday Thrival Kit ~ add the Magical Holidays With Your Animals Call and Clearing Loops to your library today - http://bit.ly/MagicalHolidaysCall-Shop * Special Offer * from Dr. Andi ~ Sign Up for your Pawsitive Possibilities Subscription and receive your FIRST TWO MONTHS AS A GI