Do It For The Process

Hello, Burnout. It's nice to see you. // My personal experience with, and healing from, burnout.



LINKS: The Collective (doors are open through August 31st!)The Alaska   Hello, burnout.  We meet again, I see you, I feel you, and I thank you.     Picture a match.  You’re holding it in your hand, maybe lighting candles on a cake, maybe lighting a fire, but you’re holding and it’s getting closer and closer to your finger.  You want to keep going, just one more candle!  But the flame is getting hotter so your heart rate goes up and you move faster to the next candle and your fingers begin to hurt, and then   It’s too late.   You got burned.   You drop the match and kiss your fingertips and feel so silly and also OUCH!   That is burnout.   Burnout is deeply painful, but it is often a result of growth (often, growing too fast).  We allow ego to hop in and take charge -- which leads us to say "I can do that!" waaay too often.  But there are some benefits to burnout too.  It acts as an irrefutable reminder that I do not need to please everyone and solving all problems.  To stop holding pa