Southern Rogue

Maria Spear Ollis | IP and Internet Law Attorney



If you have a podcast, blog, or some other content-creating gig (and who doesn’t), you don’t want to miss this episode! This week's episode features Maria Spear Ollis, an attorney with a home base in Nashville. Specializing in IP and Internet law, she gives incredible insight on copyright versus trademark, how to protect your content, and so much more. After five years practicing entertainment law, Maria decided at only 30 to start her own firm and hasn’t looked back since. Maria talks about the challenges she faced when starting her own practice, and everything she’s done to set her self apart from the rest - including TikTok!  Interested in a consultation with Maria and learning more? Follow her at @speariplaw or check out her resources below! Website: Free Resource: - Quick audio training on four frequently-googled topics for content creators (like bloggers and podcasters) TikTok: @theinternetattorney   Rate or review us and make sure you subscribe to hear the latest ep