Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

100th episode by Jon at Instinctive - socks, guests + messages



Oh crikey where do we begin on this one?  The big 100! When approaching the turn of the century I came up with an idea to do something different and flip the host and guest scenario!  Now I have to be honest I asked and was trying to arrange my first ever guest to host it.  However, Sarah (street media) had literally just started a new job after we started planning this.  I really did want to have a female host to show I have grown as a person and involving everyone.  However, since this was not feasible my good friend Jon at Instinctive Photography accepted (without a bribe) the position. Please bear with us, I've never done anything like this so it's not designed to be a normal episode at all.  It's a light-hearted show about you all, I love you all for supporting my work. What's in store for you: 1. Jon fires off a few random questions at the Phlogger! 2. guests Steve at Chroma Camera, Pete at Static Age and the model Shannon Ashby. 4. What photography means to the guests 5.