Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Model safety with Alix, Beth & Emily



Welcome to epsiode 97 of photography insights, the show that interviews people from around the photography industry.  Today is a very special one, something different to my usual interviews and focusing on a specific subject – model safety.  Since I’ve worked with a few and seen some of the problems, I got together with a few to record this. What follows is a discussion on a Facebook group we are members of that is speicifcally aimed at safety for both photographers and models when working with new people.  It’s a great resource where people can ask questions about others and get some feedback from their experiences. The group has some careful moderators involved to ensure it’s not just a place to go slam photographers or vice versa.  From the podcast you will learn a little about it and why it’s a really good place for us all. I’m joined by Alix, Beth and Emily who came forward to talk about the group, experiences and provide you all with some great advice.  All the models give some