Ultimate Awesomeness Podcast

Ultimate Comic Book Podcast Episode 22 - Comic News, Recommendations, Reviews & The Boys Vol. 2 Pt.2



Hey everyone, welcome to late podcast episode!!! Yeah, the news is a bit outdated but there's some interesting things to check out and I feel it's very educational on what's going on on today's world in the U.S. and I got comic recommendations that are based on them. So, I hope you like what you hear on here and check it them out. By the way, I will be released on my TV podcast episode and anime podcast episode next week, so look forward to those and I will be catching up on comics pretty soon because I have 2 months of comics to catch on! I also have my podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Anchor, Podcasts.com and Google Podcasts. Ultimate Comic Book Podcast Episode 22 Outline Comic News Kate Kane being replaced by a new character named Ryan Wilder https://www.gamesradar.com/batwoman-new-character-replacement-ryan-wilder/ https://www.comicbookmovie.com/tv/dc/batwoman/batwoman-possible-season-2-details-hint-at-kate-kanes-fate-and-point-to-scarecrow-debut-a175921 Hartley Sawyer (Elongated Man) Fired From The Flas