Unleashed With Jess Ratcliffe

79. The Fear That Blocks Us The Most



Do you ever wonder why we fear starting our idea or making the change we want to make so much? Fear stops us in our tracks, convinces us we're not ready and kills our ideas before we even get started.  Whyyy?! That's what we're unpacking in this episode as I share with you the biggest fear that's at the root of our fear-based narratives. I'm also sharing with you how fear is showing up for me as I put something I've built and care deeply about – the Unleash Your Extraordinary course – into the world. I hope this episode leaves you with a new perspective on fear – with ideas for how to harness it and move forward rather than give in to it and stay stuck. Learn more about Unleash Your Extraordinary, the step-by-step course that helps you craft your vision, change your mindset and take action you feel proud of: www.theideascoach.com/course. Join my newsletter to get an insight-sparking challenge every week: www.theideascoach.com/newsletter Say hello at jess@theideascoach.com or www.instagram.com/theideascoa