Trend Lines

Dealing With an ‘Infinitely More Assertive China’



This week on Trend Lines, Kevin Rudd, the former prime minister of Australia, joins WPR editor-in-chief Judah Grunstein to discuss the nature of the challenge China poses to the West, the implications of Xi Jinping’s rule, and the future prospects of both China’s rise and America’s global leadership role. If you like what you hear on Trend Lines and what you’ve read on WPR, you can sign up for our free newsletter to get our uncompromising analysis delivered straight to your inbox. The newsletter offers a free preview article every day of the week, plus three more complimentary articles in our weekly roundup every Friday. Sign up here. Then subscribe. Relevant Articles on WPR: When It Comes to Soft Power, China Is Already Outpacing the U.S. Beijing Will Come to Regret the End of Hong Kong’s Autonomy As China Rises and U.S. Influence Wanes, Australia Aims for Self-Reliance China’s Coronavirus Outbreak Exposes the Limits of Xi’s Centralized Power Is China’s Repressive Turn Under Xi a Sign of Strength—or Wea