The Nick Margerrison Podcast

0019 INTERVIEW | Direct Democracy, Libertarianism & "Britain's Vilest Troll"



This week we dive headlong into controversial comment with a man dubbed by The Daily Mail as "Britain's Vilest Troll". He uses twitter here: @Holbornlolz The video we link to is here: - it's the start of a huge rabbit hole for any new listeners we may have picked up while the podcast was away... a rabbit hole you were likely down already if you've found this podcast. There's a nice trailer for this podcast which comes up around 32 minutes in, I put out a teaser for it here on Twitter: Just writing this as I listen back, I'm really conflicted about it, I think that's a good thing. The guest is a perfect example, I don't agree with some of his sense of humor but there's real value in this conversation. I've joked online that I'm trying to entirely re-invent the medium of podcast with this little thing we're doing here... one of the things I'm super keen on is that we nail interactivity. I always dug stuff