You'll Hear It

Practicing on 2-5-1 Progressions



Peter and Adam take You'll Hear It live to YouTube and answer some listener questions - on this edition, they field a question on the best way to practice over the ever-popular 2-5-1 progression.Monday's Open Studio Live Events (All times in EDT):1:00 PM - Adam's Daily Guided Practice Session (for Members Only)3:00 PM - You'll Hear It LIVE on YouTube6:00 PM - Bass Guided Practice Session with Bob DeBoo on YouTubeTuesday's Open Studio Live Events:3:00 PM - Piano Guided Practice Session with Adam Maness on YouTube4:00 PM - Open Studio Demo & Tour - Register here!8:00 PM - Listening Sesh with Peter and Adam on YouTubeFor the rest of this week's calendar, follow this linkInterested in more music advice? Go here to browse our catalog of jazz lessons and courses available for purchase. And be sure to check out our All Access Pass - every course from Open Studio on every instrument.Let us know what you think by leaving a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ review, or head over to our YouTube channel.Follow us on Fa