

I know from all the emails we get and the surveys we’ve run that this is a question LOTS of patriots and preppers have... “How do I turn my spouse into a fellow prepper or protector, easing the burden on BOTH of us?” Trust me... I can empathize! If you're like me, you may have some gear you want... some training you'd like to attend... or you've just plain tried to get your significant other "on board" with taking more interest in their own protection... ... and maybe you haven't been too successful accomplishing any of this, eh? Well, that’s why I asked "prepper spouse & mom extraordinaire", Nila Rhoades, for her personal advice on how to "convert" our loved ones over to our path of self-reliance. Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode... How to royally screw up your chances of EVER getting your spouse on "your side" of the prepper path! (Avoid these mistakes like the plague!) Convincing the "nothing bad ever happens" spouse that the world isn't all rainbows and puppy dogs! How to overco