

I don't have to tell you that times have changed... Thanks to the alleged "counterterrorist initiatives" of the government, citizens have been turned against one another to turn in anyone who might be suspected to be a "lone wolf extremists". Problem is, these "enemies of the state" that the government says to watch out for fits the description of our most patriotic Americans - "preppers", citizens angry with an invasive government, and 2nd Amendment advocates! In times of crisis, this makes us the most vulnerable to labeling... targeting... and an eventual knock on the door by an armored-up "goon-squad" looking to haul you in. These new threats require those of us who believe in self-reliance during hard times to be "smarter" about how we prepare... and that means "going gray" (now!) to avoid being a target during times of civil unrest or a collapse. And this week, former CIA operative, Jason Hanson, has some "field notes" to share with you on exactly how to live "under the radar"... Here's what you'll disco