Hooked In New England

Sitting Down with The Silver King



Mike and I were fortunate enough to sit down with the one and only Captain Jared Raskob. Co-owner and host of Silver Kings Television, Champion Guide and Captain of the Gold Cup, Full-time guide, and most importantly father and husband. In this episode I feel as though we were able to get an inside look to who the man actually is. He is a devoted father and husband first and foremost, he is a driven angler, and guide, and he truly is a gracious and humble man. Jared's ability to see the good in situations is something all guides should strive for. His tenacity to be the best is also how all guides should be, as this is what the customers deserve. And his relentless pursuit to be the best father and husband is something at all men should strive for. Thank you Captain Raskob, and thank you guys! Enjoy this episode, we certainly did. @captain_jared_raskob - Instagram@silverkngstvCaptJaredRaskob@aol.com305-393-3902