Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Rebecca Rosen – Opening the line of communication between the spirit world and our day-to-day world – Episode 167



Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I am happy to introduce you to Rebecca Rosen - Opening the line of communication between the spirit world and our day-to-day world. In this Episode: How a 19-year-old Rebecca found her unique "gifts" and "purpose". Exploring the Psychic abilities and the power of the spiritual guides. Tapping out our "Intuitive Capabilities". How to process the messages coming from the spirits. Roles and functions of the "Team Spirits." The message of the Spirits in our current state and Rebecca's hope for the world. Rebecca's encouraging words to the people. Internationally acclaimed best-selling author, spiritual medium, and speaker, Rebecca Rosen has made it her mission to open the line of communication between the spirit world and our day-to-day world. Rebecca’s spiritual journey began in 1997 as a college student struggling with depression and a debilitating sleep-eating disorder. Following months of therapy and medication, Rebecca finally, out of desperation, began t