Let's Talk Dating And Relationships

Let's Talk Dating Premier Episode



Let's Talk Dating and Relationships with life coach Anita Ross provides eye-opening, candid conversation about the freedom, fun, and confidence that comes from loving yourself through all the twists and turns of dating and relationships! This series takes you into discovery about your own relationship readiness, what a healthy thriving relationship is for you, and the power of owning your relationship drama!

Anita invites you to throw away your book of "relationship rules" and learn to lead from the heart. She cracks the code to having an intimate partner and shifts the relationship paradigms that might be in your way. Listen to this powerful series and liberate yourself from the belief that the way to a thriving intimate relationship is "finding the one" and step into the awareness that you hold the key!

The ideas and opinions expressed on this program do not necessarily reflect the teachings of Unity. Unity respects a wide range of spiritual thoughts and beliefs, as reflected in the diverse range of subjects presented on Unity Online Radio.