Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

Diverse books for a diverse world, with Nicole Johnson of We Need Diverse Books



Diversity in book publishing begins with young readers finding books that speak to who they are and a diverse population of young professionals finding jobs in every aspect of the industry. Nicole Johnson, executive director of We Need Diverse Books, talks about programs and philosophies that are changing, literally, the face of book publishing in America today.Topics Covered• How We Need Diverse Books got its start• Where does the real work in achieving a diverse industry have to be done?• Advocating for diversity in publishing is nothing new• The WNDB internship program• What small indie publishers can do• Resources for small presses and authors• Creating stories that reflect a diversity of readers• The importance of diversity in children’s bookso In educationo Leading the way in multiculturalismo Creating a market for YA and adult books as they get older• Getting representation rightLinksWe Need Diverse Books media linkswww.diversebooks.org