Pure Radio.

Are You Ready - EP 55



If you ever find yourself wondering, why haven't I captured that dream of mine? I want you to stop and look within. Episode is an introspective one so be ready to do a lot of thinking and soul searching. I want us to slow it down and ask ourselves, are we ready? Are YOU ready? It's ok if you aren't, this is the opportunity to learn, practice.. while you still can afford to. Some things I would love to share:  One major change in my artistic journey has been the movement towards full independence. This episode I reveal that from now on all the sales of my artwork will be handled entirely by me. No more partnerships that take a fat cut. No more companies I have to rely on. It is something I am proud of.  Every transaction will be more personal.  Another move, my podcasts will be entirely produced by me so that I have control of the sound and artistic direction.  Any and all feedback is appreciated. Visit the site to check out how to stay updated on this movement happening. Find a protest