Bottled In China

Booming Australian Wines in China with David Lucas Regional GM of North Asia



In the last few weeks, Australian wines have officially taken over France as China's most imported country by volume. This might come as no surprise for those living in China who've witnessed the effort of Australian wine producers paving the way and a strong marketing campaign lead by Wine Australia. Today we sit down with Wine Australia's Regional General Manager of North Asia, David Lucas to hear how Australian wines have quickly gained appreciation in China. With over 17 years in the beverage business in Asia, David is combining his experience as VP of Sales with a deep understanding of China to support producers understand this new market. In this podcast, we deep dive into winning strategies several Australian wineries have implemented in China. We also find out what type of activities Wine Australia have organized for local tier markets. Finally, we find out if private labels for China are really as successful as they're made out to be. Visit the Wine Australia website to find an abundance of res