The Saas Revolution Show

Introducing The Struggle



We want to tell you about a new series that we are starting as part of the SaaS Revolution Show that will be dropping in this very feed starting this Thursday. It’s called The Struggle and it aims to showcase the story not told often enough. Once a month we will share stories of companies and founders who have a particularly difficult time in finding their way to traction. Sometimes they find their way through it. Sometimes they don’t. No matter how difficult and painful, every story carries lessons and takeouts which are as valuable to those who were part of the story as they are to the community. There are mistakes that can be avoided which our guests are kind enough to share for everyone. And there are tips on how to keep going through the tough times. Subscribe to the Saas Revolution Show if you haven’t already, on iTunes or wherever you get your podcast to get The Struggle episodes. The first episode coming this Thursday.