The Saas Revolution Show

How to ace your SaaS product demos with Dan Martell



Canadian Dan Martell believes that the three least boring things on the planet are growth, happiness and influence. As such, a road paved with frameworks and processes to reach them is anything but boring. It is a road he has been navigating and paving with 5 companies, 3 exits and 39 angel investments. One of the things he has perfected throughout his experience is the art of the product demo, which he talks about extensively on this episode of the SaaS Revolution Show. Listen on to hear: What almost everyone gets wrong when it comes to product demos What is a simple framework for executing a product demo How to ask for a close with confidence What is the impact on the business when you don’t ask for a close on the call How to deal with objections After you have listened to it, download Dan’s rocket demo framework Dan is one of many speakers that we will host in Dublin this October. In his own words, “There is nothing more powerful than meeting many founders who ar