
Best-selling Author reveals the framework of Anxiety free Life



I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with Heather today. SHOW NOTES:  Heather dealt with discrimination and adversity in her childhood which fuelled her determination to be the best. Her Grandma never liked her which pushed here to love herself even more. Heather likes to exercise, not watch The News and have a big vision Taking sunlight and taking things one step at a time helped Heather fix her anxiety Heather doesn’t set word count goals. SHe doesn’t procrastinate, because she is busy. Poem of The Day: "OUR DEEPEST FEAR IS THAT WE ARE POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE. IT IS OUR LIGHT, NOT OUR DARKNESS, THAT MOST FRIGHTENS US. YOUR PLAYING SMALL DOES NOT SERVE THE WORLD"   -Powerful Beyond Measure, A Poem by Marianne Williamson