Russ Rantz

Episode 29: What The Chef?!



Kraft Dinner? You bet! PB & J? Yupppp. Chicken and Rice? Heck, that was my lifeblood meal growing up (thanks mom). Fine cuisine and excellent dining? NOT. A. CHANCE.  The cooking world scares me. I don't know anything about the right ingredients, proper presentation, or what a "pinch" of anything is! Thankfully, this episode's guest (Ryan Dean Dexton: Instagram & Youtube) is a young, ambitious, and amazingly solid dude who also happens to be a marvel at cooking. Mr. Dexton is an up and coming Suis Chef for his Restaurant in Vancouver, BC and he's graciously blessed us with his presence! We talk about his career so far, what cooking means to him, what the culinary world isn't always showing us, and how COVID effected his profession. I'm super stoked about this episode, and I'm excited to have you listen in! Check out Ryan Dean Dexton on Instagram and Youtube as he's got some marvelous cooking content that you'll want to sink your teeth into (pun intended, baby!).