Educate For Life With Kevin Conover

190 Contested Bones: Examining the Missing Link - Christopher Rupe



When “Lucy” was discovered, it was widely touted as a “missing link”. According to Evolution, the human species evolved from an ape-like ancestor about 6 million years ago. Lucy’s discovery was evidence that the evolutionary ape-to-man theory is scientifically correct. However, the validity of this missing link is now in question. Many other so-called missing links are also questionable or have been outright debunked. So are there any real missing links? Today on Educate For Life, Kevin is talking with Christopher Rupe who co-authored the book “Contested Bones”. Chris Rupe is a biologist and graduated from SUNY Geneseo in 2009. Since 2011 Chris has been a Research Associate at FMS Foundation. Chris has researched a broad range of biological topics—ranging from the origin of life, to bacterial evolution, to whale evolution, to the famous riddle of “Haldane’s Dilemma.” Chris has published numerous articles on these topics. For the last 5 years, Chris has been researching human evolution and the hominin fossil r