
Dr. Jewel Williams - Legacy - “Create a Fire in Others”



Dr. Jewel Williams is a pastor and founder of Tri-Production Publishing. After her own book, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, was published, she answered her call to help others become published by starting her own publishing company and author mentorship program. With a doctorate of ministry from Bethel Seminary-St Paul, she has been an educator and leader for countless Chicago-area Christian organizations. She currently serves as pastor at Abundant Life Worship Center in Chicago, IL. “The struggles with leaving a legacy is will what I’m doing matter. Or will those behind me really cary it forward. . . . My challenge then isn’t so much will it matter. My challenge is to make sure my legacy isn’t all about me, but leaving something that continues to point the next generation to Christ.” Please leave us a rating and subscribe so that you never miss an episode. For more inspirational content visit: