Wilde About Wellbeing

Stop Aspiring to Be What You're Not Already, and Start Being It



I TRIPLED MY PODCAST DOWNLOADS IN 2 MONTHS… Here’s how you can win your dreams too! My manifestation game is strong. The universe is always on my side. So I was kinda surprised at the long-standing nature of one of my manifestation desires. The desire is to hit 1m podcast downloads - and, no, I’m not there yet… but the months after committing to this didn’t show much growth AT ALL. I kept asking myself what I’d done wrong - as I KNOW when manifestation isn’t working, it’s because there’s a boo-boo in the process somewhere. It IS an exact science - it’s as much a universal law as gravity is. That was when I realised that I didn’t FEEL like a one-million plus podcaster. I didn’t feel worthy of that honour. I wasn’t BEING the one-million podcaster BEFORE I got there. I looked at the personality traits of those who already had what I wanted. I started to emulate their behaviours, and that’s when my podcast downloads tripled in two months. The universe finally recognised that I was worthy of being set on th