Wilde About Wellbeing

Your Subconscious Is Holding You Back: Here Are 5 Steps to Find the Success You Deserve



MY BRAIN IS NOT AS RELIABLE AS I’D LIKE TO THINK  I pretty much trusted my brain for YEARS. I believed everything it told me. That was a terrible idea.    I had a Stockholm Syndrome type relationship with my brain.  It had caught me so hard that I no longer believed it was anything other than my friend.   It was not my friend. You know why? Because *I* was not my friend.   I was not my friend.   And I was saying things in passing, wondering maybe whether saying the labels aloud made them fit… “I’m stupid…” “I’m ugly…” “I’m too fat…”   I was just trying them for size the first few times, but my brain was LISTENING.  And that’s how those awful labels ended up in my subconscious. Lying in wait to trip me up frequently.    As @igntd.me ’s #OnceAnAddict campaign is proving: these labels can alter our lives. Someone who labels themselves an “addict” is WAY more than that, even if they don’t see it. But what label do they carry with them? The stigma of the ‘addict’ label…   These negative and judgmental labels are n