Take The Leap!

Episode #104 - How Understanding The Quantum Can Accelerate Your Success - Part 1



Quantum Physics isn't something we usually relate to a pathway to achieving our own personal success...   And yet understanding how the quantum world works...and its implications for our life and ultimately the achievement of our goals...makes it an integral part in stepping into our power and potential faster than the speed of light! Join us on this journey as we dive into the Quantum World.    In this episode, Tiffany reveals: Where our memory is stored The implications of being part of a larger whole The impact of healing on the world around us The power of our thoughts And so much more! See the double slit experiment in action at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1YqgPAtzho   Quantum Physics isn't something we usually relate to a pathway to achieving our own personal success...   And yet understanding how the quantum world works...and its implications for our life and ultimately the achievement of our goals...makes it an integral part in stepping into our power and potential faster than the speed of l