Face 2 Face With David Peck

Civil Liberty, Kenya & Possibility



Sam Soko and Face2Face host David Peck talk about his new film Softie, the failure of the system, racism and violence, civil liberty and human rights, photo journalism, the idea of possibility and why you can’t empty a dirty river.TrailerSynopsis:Boniface “Softie” Mwangi has long fought injustices in his country as a political activist. Now he’s taking the next step by running for office in a regional Kenyan election. From the moment Boniface decides to run, telling his wife, Njeri, in passing with a hesitant laugh, he responds to each challenge with optimism. But running a clean campaign against corrupt opponents becomes increasingly harder to combat with idealism alone. And Boniface soon finds that challenging strong political dynasties is putting his family at risk. Should country really come before family, as he’s always believed?Softie is director and producer Sam Soko’s first feature documentary filmed over the course of five years. After meeting the character Boniface Mwangi, nicknamed ‘Softie” by his