In A Skirt Podcast

Episode 75 – Angela Pohl



This week’s guest is Angela Pohl. Angela is one of those people who makes you feel happy and joyous when you’re talking to her. I’ve never met her in person, but after spending an hour chatting with her for this podcast, I get the impression she is a doer. I talk about doers a lot and when I do, I mean people who fill needs, who take action, who see problems and try to solve them.   I first read about Angela on Diverse We Run, an Instagram account that highlights and celebrates multiethnicity in running. I loved Angela’s feature on that account, so I started following her on Instagram and asked her to be on the show.   Angela is a runner. She is currently training for her 12th marathon. She’s also run an ultra. It was a 24-hour race and she had a goal of completing 100 kilometers during that race, but she hilariously tells me how that turned into several more miles.   We also talk about Good Running, an organization that Angela helped co-found. I wish I would have had more time to talk more about that organiz