Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Ben Felten - cyanotypes and multi exposures on film



Hey everybody, welcome to this week's podcast with me your host the Phlogger.  As I explore this medium of photography and play around I become interested in many areas.  One of these that always springs to mind is a double exposure.  I remember when running my competitions with Kodak Alaris that there was a few multi-exposure entries.  In fact, one of them by Ben Felten won a memorable mention and obviously stuck in my conscious mind.  So I thought hell I had not interviewed someone who does this consistently with film so let’s get him on the show.  Ben was very willing and I couldn’t wait to talk with him. Now bear in mind Ben is from France, but has lived in a few countries and currently living in Hong Kong.  So if you are expecting a heavy French accent you might be surprised. Anyway, Ben’s a family man like myself and a very decent guy.  After speaking with Ben I’ve come up with the idea of an act of random kindness every day.  So you search for someone on Ins