Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Interview with legendary skate photographer - Grant Brittain



Welcome to episode 103 of photography insights, the shot that interviews people from the photography industry. It’s funny how I look back over the past hundred episodes and still cannot believe some of the names and talent I’ve managed to interview.  Each year of my photography seems like how do I beat last year.  Then all of sudden you get a reply from a legendary photographer and they say sure, let’s do it.  It’s times like this I’m still amazed that people that have so much experience are willing to spend some time talking to me.  It’s a very humbling experience I can tell you, and yes I still get nervous but this soon dissipates.  In fact, for those who come back regularly, I suspect you will notice this with guests.  After 15 minutes they might slow their speaking down and start laughing etc, but after 60 they are totally relaxed and like 2 friends are talking.  Well, that's what I try to do and hope its conveyed.  It’s an important skill when interviewing.  A