
Overview of Dan Hitzhusen’s Life, Leadership, and Legacy



Listen to more Inspiration at Pray.comDan is currently the Global Strategist for Church Planting at The Issachar Initiative and Finishing the Task Ministries. For over 30 years, Dan Hitzhusen has been sharing the gospel and planting churches in over 60 countries.  In 1993, Dan joined the Global Missions Fellowship staff, helping mobilize churches to start multiplying in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, South America, and North America. Dan served as president of GMF (later becoming e3 Partners) and as International Vice President, seeing more than 5 million men, women, and children profess faith in Christ and be discipled in over 200,000 newly planted churches. Dan also served for ten years as president and co-managing partner of the San Diego Barnabas Group ( and served on the Global Association for Church Multiplication ( Dan and his wife, Lorie, reside in Escondido, CA, and have three children: Jonathan, Joshua, and Kimberly.