Liquid Church

Jesus’ Redemption of Mary Magdalene | Part 2: The Chosen



When you believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, you are no longer possessed by your past, defined by your brokenness, or labeled by your mistakes... Jesus chooses to RESCUE, RESTORE and REDEEM you! That’s exactly what Jesus did in the life of Mary Magdalene, who’s testimony we see throughout the Gospels in the New Testament. Mary Magdalene was a female believer and follower of Christ, whom Jesus had miraculously cast 7 demons out of. The multi-season show The Chosen takes us on a journey to imagine Mary’s life of brokenness and redemption, forever changed when Jesus calls her by name to follow Him. In this message, Pastor Kayra Montanez calls us to follow Mary’s example by leaving our brokenness at the altar and accepting God’s great love. There is no one Christ’s love cannot redeem! The Chosen Series | Pastor Kayra Montanez | Liquid Church | #TheChosen #BingeJesus #Redemption #MaryMagdelene #Grace #Demons #Faith #LiquidChurch #Christianity #ChristianChurch