Liquid Church

Advice For Christians In An Election Year | Message By Tim Lucas



Where do Christians fit in during a time when our nation is so politically divided? It’s no secret the United States is deeply divided politically, rationally and economically. As Christians, we can prepare our hearts for the election by putting our faith in Jesus first in a culture dominated by toxic politics. In this 2-part series, Pastor Tim Lucas teaches us from Mark 12 in the New Testament of the Bible how we can imitate Jesus in a polarizing election year. See, in the first century, there weren’t two political parties - there were four of them lobbying for power! When the leaders of Jesus’ day put Jesus to the test, He led by example by putting his FAITH filter on FIRST. How will you put your faith first in an election year? Watch this message to learn from the word of God and the life of Jesus how you can avoid Election Infection! Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church | Avoiding Election Infection #Election #Democrat #Republican #Politics #Political #Gospel #NJChurch #NewJerseyChurch #LiquidChurch #TimLucas