Tander Chats

Tander Flash - Our thoughts on: Genshin Impact earns $100M in two weeks



Gacha fever has taken over both PC and console! We talk about why Genshin Impact is such a big deal. We discuss the very successful launch of Genshin Impact. The latest hotness from a Chinese developer called Mihoyo as this is their rookie attempt in crossing into the PC and Console platform. He are our talking points for this episode: Why does this interest us? Will their success be short lived? If you want to leave us a message or interact with us, you can leave a like on our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TanderChats Lastly, if you want to help support the show! You can do so by using our Lazada affiliate link: https://bit.ly/tanderlaz Make sure to click on the link before checking out. We will get a small comission from all your purchases, this will go directly to supporting the show. Music Credits Tander Flash Music: By Teknoaxe http://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=1598 Background artwork: artwork by @visualdon – https://instagram.com/visualdon