Glen Thinks Stuff Podcast

Episode#053 New Years Eve, Expensive Bags & Resolutions



Hey people of the world! Happy almost New Years to you fine folks! Today I talk about New Year’s Eve and how I kinda don’t get what all the fuss is about. I also weigh in on the whole grocery store charging for bags scandal. Lastly but not leastly, I talk about New Years resolutions and how I set them. Thank you all for listening to my podcast in 2018! I wish you all a happy and healthy 2019!!!!! Peace In lieu of Patreon, PLEASE consider donating to:!4519!3!309686555405!e!!g!!st.%20jude&ef_id=Cj0KCQiAmafhBRDUARIsACOKEROf7TtUFlRbzbGqRviM8LsAdCXGG-VflSNtGPccdkr2gyhY0ieHPoYaAn9lEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!4519!3!309686555405!e!!g!!st.%20jude