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Improving your Amazon performance by tweaking your “relevancy score,” with guest Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts



Every book has to earn its place in Amazon’s discoverability queue. Does yours? Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts tells you how to optimize your book’s visibility and relevance using keywords, your author page, and more.Topics Covered• Amazon, a force for good or for evil?• How to make Amazon work for your book• Remember, at its heart, Amazon is just a giant search engine• Why you should avoid long preorders• Amazon advertising and keywords: keywords strings vs. single words, which is better?• The Amazon book page, crucial but how do you make it work to your benefit?• If you have Author Seller Central . . . controlling the back end• The super-secret and barely understood Amazon Relevancy Score: what is it? how do you boost it?• ads: is a call to action enough or do you need more?• work the Kindle side, not the pbook sideLinksAuthor Marketing Experts on Twitter: @bookgalPenny on Instagram: therealbookgalHow to Sell Books by the Truckload on Amazon - 2020 Updated