Doghair Presents

96 Spider-Man Villains (Part Two) (With Travis Bow and Carlyle Laurent)



Rory is on the run for a crime he may or may not have committed so he has enlisted two very good friends of the show to perform his duties in his absence. Travis Bow of Reel Comic Heroes and Watchmen Minute is up first to present the second part of his Spider-Man Villains presentation to Carlyle Laurent of Dungens and Dragnos, A Podcast For Everyone and Content! Presumably. You should definitely check out Reel Comic Heroes and Watchmen Minute and follow him on twitter @thatTravisBow. And you should also check out the multiple podcasts that Carlyle Hosts, before they multiply agian. Dungens and Dragnos, A Podcast For Everyone and Content! Presumably. are all very fun and you should listen. If you want get in touch with the show for any reason, tweet us @doghairnetwork or Rory @RoryMSpence or email us Go to for everything you've ever wanted out of life* You can also buy some sweet Doghair Network merch at or