Brokedown Podcast/osiris Media

35 Years This Week



Greetings Dead Freaks! We've got a bunch of little things and then a big mix of good old Grateful Dead ahead of us. We're taking a look back at the Berkeley Community Theater run centered on Halloween 1984. In addition to being the debut of the Official Taper's Section, it's also a fairly strong run of six shows with some really great music. We dip in and sample a bit of everything.Also in this episode, I tell you about an interesting new book from Julie Dreyer Brigden, aka Girl. Brigden was married to David Freiberg in the 60s and was around the Quicksilver and Grateful Dead scenes and so much more throughout the 60s & 70s. Her new book, Girl: An Untethered Life is available now from local booksellers (ask up front!) as well as via Amazon. Hers is a unique perspective on the time and I recommend the book.I'm also excited to share with you a track from a new Matt Valentine album the record is called "Preserves" and the tune is "Be Kind". Have a listen and then head on over to Bandcamp to cop the whole thi