Lisa Berry

20 Seconds Changed Everything



What if you found your voice, the one youve been searching for to live your authentic life, but you found it on the other side? Imagine in 20 seconds of crossing over the light was shone on your purpose, your mission and gave you the courage to come back and live the life that a second chance had granted. Now imagine that your great mission, with your voice, was to reveal to all humans that there was not just something dangerous, killing millions of people every year but that with your new found, powerful and compassionate voice you could help mankind prevent, protect and save lives. And finally, with the full circle of true reciprocity, you could use that dedicated voice of yours and teach others how to find their voice, without having to go to the other side. Best selling author, Robert Tremblay of Twenty-Seconds, joins us today to share his extraordinary road from near death to healing after two terminal diagnoses, including a journey through Hospice and a near death experience that changed everything at e