Mastering Your Law Practice: Law Practice Management, Law Firm Marketing, Rainmaking, Attorney Lifestyle

Making the Most Out of Your Oldest Technology: The Telephone



Turn your telephone into the money making technology it should be We take for granted our oldest technology in the office, the telephone, but we do so to our detriment. It is the most effective instrument we have for securing new clients, conveying information to existing clients and making money! 1. Importance of telephone A. Oldest technology & taken for granted B. First place of personal contact with your business C. Expensive & useful -- Automate & outsource at your own peril. 2. Utilize fully A. Positive outgoing messages B. Collect all useful data at the beginning: I. name, II. situation, III. email, cell phone, is texting available IV. Use voicemail wisely C. Establish protocols in writing for staff D. Train them E. Monitor monthly -- staff must understand what you desire & KNOW you will monitor. 3. Results sought A. Clients fully engaged and feel positive B. Staff understands importance of this communication C