Rugby Pickem

MLR Is Bacc ... Ish ... Soon ... Ish



The MLR is bacc. Well, in 6 months. Commish Killebrew announced an exciting return to rugby in March of 2021. 16 games, Semis, Finals. Simple. Jodi from San Diego "What's up, my Rugby PickEm baes. It's Jody from San Diego. And I just heard the news that the MLR is back. I'm fired up for my Legion this year not because of the high-profile signings like ... uh ... that Chris Robshaw guy, and not because the cheeky old Eddie Jones has agreed to help us out in the front office, but the real reason I can not wait is because it's been a full freakin year since I got to put on my medieval armor that I forged myself in my garage. And ... We also have the best freaking fans .... I'm talking about THE COHORT baby March 20th 2021 cannot come soon enough. We are legion." Jodi, thanks for the call. We expect big things from the Legion next year, but we expect even BIGGER things from the Cohort. Austin from Charlotte, NC "Yes, hi. My name is Austin calling from Charlotte North Carolina. My question is if you could inv