Pedia Pain Focus

You may be perpetuating your patients pain instead of treating it!



Guest, Ms. Laura Wieck of BodyMind Coaching shares some mind shifts and practical skills to engage, empower and build trust amongst your patients and families to enhance their pain management and wellness.  Takeaways in This Episode Impact of your words and how you talk to your patients and the resultant neurocognitive changes in your patients' brain. What is the "opposite pain scale" and how you can use it for your patients. How you could unconsciously be perpetuating pain instead of treating it. What chronic stress might be signaling and how to use it to our advantage.   How you can assess whether there’s congruency between your patient's words and their feelings. The #1 job you have as a HCP and the most important factor in establishing your credibility with your patient/family within the first 2 minutes (Hint: it’s not your degrees, or expertise!) What "Therapeutic or Coaching Triangle" is and how to use it in your pain practice. Verbal and nonverbal cue to develop immediate connection with your pa