Flix And A Six

Episode 19: We Pull a Quad Touring the Pharmacy in Hell



Something new! We try to keep it fresh here at The Spinchoon (no one likes stale pizza…. or ideas) so we went with something fun and new on HBO. We tackled the first two parts of a proposed trilogy of sports mockumentaries from the sick, twisted mind of Andy Samberg. Tour de Pharmacy and 7 Days in Hell. Drop everything and watch these (they’re both only about 45 minutes long) and check out the laugh filled episode (at least our laughs but we hope you laugh too) we have for you. We wash down this spicy treat with the newest iteration of Al’s Ales (or at least one of us did): Al’s Ales Amber Ale, also known as the Quadrilogy. So ride on in, sit down with your favorite beer, and listen to the newest Flix & a Six, only on The Spinchoon!