Flix And A Six

Episode 1 - Part 2: We get lost in La La Land after a Copperhead bite



Well, at least this was closer to the idea we had trying to talk Oscars, as we fall down the rabbit hole that is La La Land. Naturally, that means we went off on a big ol’ tangent as Al hijacked the pod to talk about Cloud Atlas (get used to this it’s gonna happen a lot) and Mr. Nobody. Anthony was kind enough to indulge him. We reviewed Fordham Copperhead Ale (this endorsement is way less likely to happen) and we even made a (pathetic) effort to talk about the Oscar field as a whole, even though we only saw 2 of the movies that had significant nominations (sorry….. actually this is our pod we’ll do what we want). And yea it’s gonna be our second podcast, even though it’s the middle third of the first one…. So part 2. We’ll figure it out eventually I promise (I think). If you’re still with us after the first, congrats you’re a trooper, so enjoy the next iteration of Flix & a Six on The Spinchoon!