Malice-corp Podcast

All Things Nerd S04E33 : In West Rebootsville Born and Raised – Weekly Nerd News



Season 4 Episode 33: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Get Your Geek On! -- The Malice Corp Geek Enthusiasts and Nerd Aficionados talk about what they've been doing since last episode. What you should be checking out, and what you should stay far away from? - 2:44 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Nerd News: -- Fortnite Vs Apple: Fortnite decided to offer discounts to players as long as the items were purchased from them. Apple was having none of this and retaliated. The nerd fight of the generation has begun. - 14:26 -- Shia Lebouf rumored for MCU Iceman: The casting rumor mill has begun for who will be playing the X-Men now that Disney owns their film rights again. - 23:32 -- More Hollywood Reboots: First up a dramatic retelling of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and second a new telling of 3 Men and a Baby with Zach Efron on Disney+. - 30:45 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Somebody's Gotta Talk About It - The weird, odd, strange, and fun